"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Thoughts on "I never made time for me."

I just posted about my April Goals, but I want to get this off my chest while I'm thinking about it.  

I was listening to a podcast yesterday wherein the interviewer made a comment about the interviewee being a nurse, and just like moms, she probably spent so much time taking care of others that she didn't take time to take care of herself.  

I've heard this topic mentioned a lot, especially when the person who lost weight is in any position where they were taking care of others -- be it as a parent, demanding career, etc.  And I always think back to my life and I just wasn't that person. 

You see, I've never really had a problem making time for myself.  When my kids were babies and toddler running around all over yes I was busy, but I always found little spots of time to make crafts or read a book. 

The problem I have had in my weight loss journey is that I have had to make the decision that exercise is important.  For me, I've had to sacrifice a little of my "me time" I would normally spend in crafting, reading or doing other leisurely activities to make sure I get exercise in.  

Maybe it's just me, but I sometimes get tired of hearing ladies say being a mom they just gave and gave to everyone else so they never made time for themselves.  Maybe I've just always been that little bit selfish?   I almost see it as an excuse.  

How many of the people who give to everyone else so much they don't take care of themselves ever sit down and watch a favorite show regularly, or take time to go out with their friends once in a while, or read books?  

Maybe I'm playing devil's advocate here, but I know for me that while I feel great when I exercise making it a habit in my life has required some sacrifice of the "me time" I already had.  

I know we all have to walk our own journeys, but this concept of give so much away you don't care of me is the reason you gained weight just bothers me.  I simply overate and didn't want to do anything about it.

Now, before you get too upset with me, I will tell you I have always had a super supportive and involved husband.  I've never had to ask him to play with our children, when my kids were toddlers he encouraged me to use a gym whenever I wanted to and on occasion stayed home with the children in the evenings so I could go exercise.  However, most of my exercise has been done around my schedule and my weight loss journey exercise started with DVDs in the home, because he was in college and I knew he couldn't keep the kids.

But I digress...I really am blessed with a husband who will help me get my exercise in...take this morning for example.  He asked what I was going to make him for breakfast...just as I was about to get dressed to go run I replied, "Um, sorry you have to get your own...I'm going to run now."

We'd been up for about 2 hours already and I just had my protein bar and coffee, my usual pre-run breakfast, and then lazed around. He wasn't too thrilled at first, but then he realized that the kids had all grabbed cereal ... and our usual Saturday morning family breakfast wasn't happening.  He also knows the running is important to me, as well as good for me.  So, as I left the house I saw he'd prepared himself some breakfast without any negative attitude.

So, I know I am a blessed lady, and maybe many others aren't.  I just think some people need to quit using their jobs and families as excuses for why they aren't thin.  Even if you can only get two 30-minute "me time" sessions a week to go for a walk, you can do something.

Maybe more importantly people need to realize they are going to have to change what they do with the "me time" they probably already do have.  I know I had to, and while I miss doing some crafty things at times I feel so much better being healthy it's worth every minute.

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