"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~ Anonymous

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Out and About

Well, I was going to try and pop on here to check in about a week ago, but it just didn't happen.  We were swamped busy last week attending and helping host an annual conference our church puts on every fall.  It was exhausting, but wonderful all at the same time.  My husband took the week off and I enjoyed spending some time with him as well. 

Due to our hectic schedule last week I purposely did not weigh myself on Friday.  The week is too busy to exercise (since I do like the six hours sleep I managed to get in daily) and my eating was so-so.  

We ate out a few times and I had one or two donuts throughout the week; not exactly anything that would lead to weigh gloss, so I decided the scale would be better left untouched.  This is a once-a-year event and I wasn't worried about the scale for that bit of time. 

This week is pretty much back to normal, though the beginning to the week has been recuperating from last week.  :)  Actually, my mind is also running a mile a minute because I have a couple crafty projects on the burners.  I also have ...

...another surgery for my son.  Yep.  He's been having an issue with his bad knee and a MRI revealed a torn ACL.  The doctors are pretty sure this is from his original ski accident last March and he is scheduled for an ACL repair with scope this Thursday.  

It's a good thing I had already decided to workout from home for the duration of 2014.  I'm going to write more about that later, but I had already decided running and doing Jillian Michael workouts a few days a week will be the best way to make sure I get my exercise in during this busy season.  So, when I heard they were scheduling another surgery I wasn't freaked out about missing any exercise classes in the daytime.  

Instead I will continue on with my exercise while he rests and not feel like it can't get done just because my schedule has to be rearranged a bit.  Glory!

So, anyway...I'm alive.  I haven't forgotten about living a healthier life and I should be back to more regular blogging again shortly.  :) 

Thanks for stopping by!

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